Appropriate funeral stationery recommendations can be difficult for the funeral home professional and making selections can be overwhelming for client families. Historically, pieces have been chosen ad hoc with no consistent theme unifying them and little to no personalization for the families. This leads to a variety of stationery pieces that do nothing to honor the deceased’s interests or unique personal attributes, creating an impersonal, sullen event. However, with funeral stationery software that contains a large variety of templates, themes and easy to follow production instructions, funeral directors can now offer their client families the very best selection of stationery customized to best represent their loved ones.
Themes have been expected of weddings, baby and bridal showers, birthday parties and now the same can be said of funeral services. If the deceased was a lifelong tennis player and known among all who knew him as a tennis enthusiast, why should that be left out of his funeral service? A professional reporter who has travelled extensively to provide objective reporting on world events should certainly be remembered and honored for the commitment to that harrowing profession. With funeral stationery software that allows for customization of all types of stationery, that is now possible.
From the moment a guest enters the funeral home and signs a personalized guest register to years after the service when lighting a funeral candle with the same theme, keeping all stationery items consistent will help recall the essence of the deceased. Memorial folders, bi- and tri-fold programs and prayer cards customized with the departed’s most cherished hobby will always serve to remind those left behind of that person’s spirit and how he or she chose to spend life.
Continue the celebration of life after the service with matching acknowledgement cards and bookmarks reinforcing the same theme. Tribute videos, most often shown at the service or family gathering afterwards, utilize the same theme and can be reproduced for distribution to a larger audience or uploaded to the web. Each and every time a piece of stationery from that person’s funeral service is seen by friends and family, the true life spirit of the departed will be recalled.
As funerals evolve from somber events to joyous celebrations of life, it only makes sense to offer funeral stationery that upholds this type of tribute. Personalities are not remembered by stock cards with impersonal photos and minimal information. They are remembered and kept alive when the items that they were sent off with are true representations of how they lived.
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