For a truly memorable funeral service that brings the departed to life, tribute videos are the perfect solution. A digital collage of photographs and videos from the deceased’s life are set against one of hundreds of themes that epitomize his or her most cherished interests. Played on a large television set off a DVD or a computer during the viewing, after the service or at any gathering to honor the dead, tribute videos are rapidly becoming one of the most requested products within the funeral industry.
If your concern is a lack of either creative or technical skills, be rest assured that with simple software that guides you through templates and 24/7 technical assistance you will be able to produce a world class piece that your client families will adore. Developed with funeral industry software that allows for personalization of a large variety of funeral products and services, it is a breeze to create complementary products that help provide consistency among stationery, remembrance ornaments, temporary grave markers and more.
A tribute video can serve as the focal point for gathering mourners together, generating story-telling of fond memories, major milestones and reflection on how the life of the deceased impacted those of others he or she knew. Development of the tribute video is easy, following simple steps that allow photographs, videos, favorite quotes, hymns or jokes to be included. Professional editing features allow for motion effects, automatic syncing and transitioning to music, panning, zooming and photo touch ups. There is absolutely no limit to the number of photos you can include and the software even provides over 80 different video scenic backgrounds. Your client families can submit their own favorite music selections, or can choose from a music library that contains a myriad of musical pieces from exclusive partnerships with musicians that are dedicated to the funeral profession.
Informing client families of your funeral home’s ability to create a tribute video most often occurs as arrangements are being made for the services. However, a proactive marketing approach will assist your business considerably. The comprehensive funeral software and the abilities of your funeral home is something for you to promote to the community along with your other services via newspaper, web-based and magazine advertisements. Raising awareness of your value added products that create unique and individualized funeral services is a sure way to attract future business.
Tribute videos are replacing the static poster boards where photos have traditionally been posted during services. For the best competitive edge you can have, be sure to include them within your menu of services.
Frazer Consultants primary products and services include interactive funeral home website design, funeral tribute video software, funeral webcasting, funeral candles, funeral keepsakes, funeral register books, personalized funeral stationery, temporary grave markers and funeral holiday remembrance ornaments. For more information, please visit or call 866-372-9372.
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