A better option is print on-demand funeral stationery. With funeral stationery software, a funeral professional has the ability to use blank stock and create a completely customized, complete line of funeral stationery. Simply select which type of stationery to be printed, choose a theme from the hundreds available, enter the appropriate information, and then enter the number you wish to print.
Hundreds of background themes are supplied on the software to reflect hobbies, professions, military or community service, and religious preferences. Adding photographs, custom messages and obituaries completely personalize the funeral stationery. Once designed and printed, each custom piece of funeral stationery is well coordinated with each other. The theme carries through the entire service and can even be used as the background for a DVD video tribute, intro and ending of a funeral webcast and on a funeral keepsake, such as a funeral candle.
With print on-demand funeral stationery software, you can also print the exact number of prayer cards, or funeral programs needed. If more guests arrive at the memorial service than planned for, printing a few extra funeral programs or other funeral stationery is no problem at all. Just open the funeral stationery software program put the blank paper in the printer and hit the print button. Print on-demand gives the funeral director total control.
In today’s world, it’s critical to provide your client families with the latest options available in terms of technology and services. Families have other choices for where they purchase their funeral stationery; some even decide to do it themselves. By providing them with a highly customized and complete funeral stationery package at an affordable price – their decision is easier and they are more pleased with the service you offer.
Client families expect to see a variety of funeral stationery and they expect to get exactly what they want. With funeral software and guided templates, you can offer them exactly what they need. Stay competitive in the market and elevate your funeral home to the top echelon of service with funeral stationery software that lets you provide the service your client families deserve and expect.
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