Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Article on Cremation Diamonds

Well, I did it! My article on 'Cremation Diamonds, a Unique Keepsake Memorial' was accepted and published by the Associated Content!

Click Here to Read it Now!

I think it's a big step to write that first article and get it approved. Many people wouldn't take the time to sit down and write something, never mind go the extra steps (and there were many) to register, create a profile, jump through all the hoops and then submit that article, fingers crossed, to the editors. So, when I saw the acceptance email this morning...I did a little "YAY ME!" dance!

The potential for me to repost, use social media, social bookmarking, and other internet tricks and tips to promote this article, myself and more importantly, my client, is huge. It's like discovering there was one more cold diet coke in back of the refrigerator on a hot summer day, when you thought you were out! Ok, now you know - me, and diet coke, we go way back...we've had a long term relationship and I don't see that changing anytime soon! Gotta have my DC. Hmm, maybe I need another one RIGHT NOW! But, I digress...

This article means a great deal to me and will be the start of a huge initiative to create content for publication for this particular client, DNA2Diamonds, myself and other clients. I hope you enjoy it:

Cremation Diamonds, a Unique Keepsake Memorial
by Maureen McHale

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