Funeral stationery, no matter what form it is in, is an important facet of the funeral service. The stationery not only serves as a keepsake for those who were present at the service, it also allows funeral home client families' to better honor, celebrate, remember, and tell the life story.
Funeral stationery is not what it used to be. Traditionally, a funeral home would purchase pre-printed paper for the stationery which meant stocking inventory of each design and each individual item. In many instances, to control costs or because of a supplier policy, deathcare professionals would need to order a minimum number of each item. The expense to house and maintain this inventory meant the number of selections were limited. A funeral home may have only had two or three options from which families could choose.
Today, because of technology advances, deathcare professionals and client families not only have a vast assortment of personalization options to choose from, but there's also no need to inventory pre-printed stock. Funeral stationery can now be printed on demand from blank, perforated stock using software driven layouts. Everything needed from register book pages, memorial folders, prayer cards, acknowledgements, bookmarks, signs, dvd packaging, and even candles can all be printed in this manner.

Frazer Consultants offers a complete, fast and easy solution to personalized stationery. With access to over 450 predesigned and preformatted design layouts, Frazer offers a high level of personalization to funeral home client families'. Templates for virtually every interest, hobby, occupation, and religious background are included in the Tribute Center software.
Using the funeral homes own printing equipment, or a fixed low cost-per-page program, Frazer Consultants print-on-demand stationery, is specifically an attractive feature not locking a funeral home into printing a particular sum if it isn't necessary. With Frazer's Tribute Center software, a funeral home can print only what's needed, when it's needed and know the result will be the most professional, low cost, and fully customized funeral printing available.

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