It is not always possible to attend a funeral in person. A funeral webcast allows those who are out of town, ill, deployed or otherwise unable to attend a funeral in person to attend a funeral online. Through the power of the internet and funeral webcasting software, a funeral home can offer funeral webcasting to the families they serve.
A webcast can be viewed lived or on a delayed stream. If a mourner wishes to view a delayed streaming of the webcast, a stored recording of the funeral service can be played at any time immediately after the funeral home uploads it to their website in a password protected environment. It can be viewed again and again over a set amount of time that the funeral home and the client family have arranged. Some families ask for a copy of the webcast to be burned to DVD to keep at home or to send to others who may not have internet access.
For a funeral director who wants to set up his funeral home to offer webcasting, customized software makes this easy and affordable. Even though offering a webcast is the newest and most innovative funeral service your funeral home has ever offered, it’s so easy that anyone can make this happen.
To set up a funeral webcast, all you need to online is a simple video package including HD camera, tripod, wireless microphone and a USB video capture device. The funeral webcasting software leads you through the entire process and provides the most reliable video streaming server to assure that the service will be streamed and broadcast without a hitch.
With no long term contracts, no upfront costs, no equipment to buy and no support fees, funeral webcasting is affordable too.
By offering online funerals, funeral directors help client families view a funeral in the peace and comfort of their own home, office or hospital room. A funeral webcast enables many friends and relatives to be a part of the service that would not have been able to.
Funeral webcasting software is simple and affordable to use. Isn’t it time you offered this value-added service to the families you serve?

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