With today’s funeral stationery software, creating a truly personalized, entire line of coordinating pieces in-house is easy, and the options are endless. Here are three great reasons to use funeral stationery software:
Ultimate Theme Personalization – Funeral stationery software offers more than five hundred coordinating themes to assist client families in the personalization of their loved ones life celebration. While some stationery companies offer just one standard template, or they have you stock paper for each different theme, using funeral stationery software, your clients can select a theme that best depicts their loved ones personality, hobbies, career, interests or religious attachment.
Each theme includes a layout for a funeral register book, memorial folder, prayer card, acknowledgement, book mark, DVD tribute video packaging, and a candle. All the themes are stored electronically. When a client family selects a theme, you simply put the blank stock paper into a full-color printer and print as many as you need on-demand.
One Time Data Entry – With some funeral stationery, for each piece it is necessary to re-enter the deceased’s name, dates and other information. With the latest funeral stationery software it automatically connects to your funeral management software program. There’s no duplicate entry, no wasted time, just push a few buttons and you’re done.
Affordable – Because all the stationery items are printed from blank stock, all you need to do is inventory blank paper. No high over-head in stocking multiple themes!
Not only can you provide client families with more than five hundred options for themes without stocking pre-printed paper, printers are available at an extremely affordable rate. For less than sixty dollars a month, and a low cost per page price of eleven and one-half cents for color prints and two cents for black and white, your funeral home can utilize a printer that includes toner, any repairs or maintenance, as well as help desk support seven days a week, twenty-four hours and day, three hundred sixty five days a year.
To be ready to customize a funeral service means everything to a family. Isn’t it time your funeral home looked into funeral stationery software that can provide the most complete options for personalization?

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