Child development can be divided into four categories: cognitive development, physical development, social and emotional development, and communication skills. Because these areas of development overlap, one category is reinforced and enhanced by growth in others. Enrolling your child in a Kinderdance class enhance the development of all four areas of child development.
Cognitive Development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world through the interaction of genetic and learned factors. It has been said that early movement experiences are beneficial to optimal brain development. The stimulation children receive from dance combined with decision making exercises leave children with a mind ready to absorb information and learn new things.
Physical Development is important to anyone over the age of two years of age. Thirty minutes of moderate endurance-type physical exercise can help children develop basic motor skills, laying a foundation for an active childhood which can motivate them to participate in other activities for years to come.
Social and Emotional Development includes a child’s development of self – including self-awareness, self-regulation and his or her ability to interact and react with other people. Dancing together with others, helps children not only build their self-esteem but also see and appreciate that others are different than themselves. Such peer activities can also help a child gain personal control and can lengthen their attention span.
Communication Skills are certainly an important skill for every child to develop. Many children learn by touching everything as they learn. Kinderdance helps children learn by watching others, and learn how to follow audible clues, such as clapping their hands to the beat of the music.
Some of the dance techniques that can be taught during a Kinderdance class are ballet, tap, tumbling and creative movement. In addition to being a beginner dance class, Kinderdance helps develop gross motor skills, movement creativity, fitness, and body awareness. During each Kinderdance class, age-appropriate music and songs are incorporated.
Children will need pint ballet slippers and any color leotard, with or without tights for Kinderdance 1. Those children enrolling in Kinderdance 2 and Kinderdance3 will also need black tap shoes.
About Wagner Dance and Music

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