Sunday, April 15, 2012

Floor Cleaning Tips from A Mug You Can Trust

Your floors are easily one of the more expensive parts of your home or office building. Having a commercial floor cleaning company maintain your floors on a regular basis will help you defer additional costs of replacement for several years.

Regular carpet cleaning will remove sand and dirt that acts like an abrasive and destroys your carpet. Regular floor and carpet maintenance will increase the life of your floor coverings and will also help with your presentation to your clients.
If your home or office is in the Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Apache Junction, Queen Creek, Tempe, Scottsdale, Ahwatukee, and Phoenix, Arizona areas, here are some of the commonly asked floor cleaning questions and tips to caring for your floors between professional floor cleaning:

How to remove tar from residential and commercial flooring?
Use mineral spirits, charcoal lighter fluid or turpentine on a clean white cloth. Blot or rub the stain. Be sure to keep the tar isolated to one small area by not rubbing wider than the original area and change the cloth area frequently. Rinse with warm water. For residential sheet and tile, avoid the area for 30 minutes. Commercial sheet tile such as VCT and SDT, if there is a slight yellow cast remaining because the color has absorbed into the commercial product, use a green pad to scrub the area with stripping solution, and then polish as recommended.

What causes streaks in floor polish?
Possible causes of streaks in the finish of a floor can be too much or too little floor polish applied in one coat. Other causes are a dirty mop used to apply polish or an inadequate drying time or alkaline residue on the floor. Follow recommendations for stripping or heavy cleaning, and then follow recommended procedure for preparation for commercial traffic.

How can I keep my floors cleaner between professional floor cleaning?
We recommend walk-off mats at doorways and pivot points such as kitchen sinks, refrigerators, etc. Remember, it's easier to spot clean or replace a throw rug or walk-off mat than to clean or replace your whole carpet.

Have more floor cleaning questions?
A Mug You Can Trust offers a free and no obligation consultation for your commercial and residential floor cleaning needs. Make an appointment today with one of our customer service specialists. They will ask several questions to determine exactly what your needs are and quote you on your specific floor cleaning requests.

About A Mug You Can Trust

With more than 35 years of carpet cleaning experience in the Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Apache Junction, Queen Creek, Tempe, Scottsdale, Ahwatukee, and Phoenix, Arizona areas, A Mug You Can Trust uses state-of-the-art equipment providing exceptional results for homes, commercial and retail businesses. A Mug You Can Trust values their customers by doing what they say they'll do, on time, for one guaranteed price, with no hidden charges. Call A Mug You Can Trust at (480) 626-3492 or email for a carpet cleaning estimate.

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